Pure North Water Treatment Products

Since 1995 Pure North has always strived to be "Better & Different" from other water treatment companies. Our direct pricing, combined with our customer satisfaction guarantee has been a winning combination for both Pure North and most importantly, the customer.

Water Articles

Frequently Asked Questions

Reverse Osmosis: Innovative drinking water systems featuring osmosis filtration. Water as it was intended to be, just H2O. Harmful chemicals and bacteria removed! Pure North has a variety of reverse osmosis models to choose from. You can be proud to serve your family, guests and pets high quality beverages, ice and food prepared with your very own sparkling clear andsafe drinking water.


Chlorine Free Shower Filters: Chlorine is used almost universally in the treatment of our public water supplies because of its toxic effect on harmful bacteria and other waterborne, disease-causing organisms. There is growing evidence that chlorine in our water supply may actually pose serious health risks when it is absorbed into the human body over a long period of time.



Water Softeners: Soft water saves up to 70% in soap costs and 22% in hot water energy. You'll enjoy the difference soft water makes to your hair & skin. At direct prices from Pure North, everyone can enjoy the benefits of our Purifiner Water Softeners. You will save time and effort by not having to clean up after your water.



Whole House Filters: Pure North's Purifiner systems are designed to treat water for your entire household. We have many models to chose from, including whole house carbon filtration (to remove chlorine), iron, sulphur and tanin removal systems.




Ultraviolet: Protect yourself and your family with this unique ultraviolet system from U.V Innovation. Ultraviolet (U.V) Light Systems protect you and your family from waterborne disease-causing micro-organismns. Pure North has models available for treating water at your kitchen sink, or for your entire home. Applications for your Boat, Recreational Vehicle or Trailer, are also available.




Vanguard Manabloc
(Water Management)
The MANABLOC manifold water distribution system is the most efficient water management technology on the market. Recognized as one of the most significant advances in plumbing technology.



Internal Heatline Tracing: The most advanced water pipe freeze-protection systems in the world. These self-regulating internal and external heat-tracing systems can be fully insulated, do not require thermostats and are highly engineered for reliability and performance. Internal heat tracing is used to protect polyethylene water pipes from freezing. They are used in many different applications including cottages, resorts and farms. Heat-Line® and Retro-Line® systems are freeze-proof water supply systems, adaptable to all areas where natural frost protection cannot be achieved. Even pipes that are exposed to free air such as over rocks or under buildings, can have reliable running water year round.